Aaron Louie

Design-focused entrepreneur. Freelance UX consultant & web developer.

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I bring clarity to chaos.

User experience design is all about making something useful and beautiful out of nebulous business goals and the seemingly random behavior of users. Over the last 19 years since I designed my first website, I've helped structure and refine the design of hundreds of websites for a wide variety of clients.

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I design in code.

This page you're reading? I made it in Bootstrap in about an hour. I'm fluent in HTML, CSS, and Javascript. I employ frameworks and the Javascript stack — including Meteor and Node — to rapidly prototype functional web app prototypes. I create designs that clients and users can tap and click.

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I made this.

As a result of my work with startups, I found myself sketching out the Lean Canvas for clients and business ideas on a regular basis. So I made a book just for that. Entrepreneurs can track how their business model evolves over the course of a year, focusing on the elements of their business that will have the greatest impact.

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© 2015 Aaron Louie